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By: Natalie Galluzzo, Kate Hunter and ShaCoya Price
Plant Inventory
Click here to hear about our plant surveys:
Click here to listen to what we concluded about our study:
Chollet S, Padié S, Stockton S, Allombert S, Gaston, AJ, and Martin JL. 2016. Positive plant and bird diversity response to experimental deer population reduction after decades of uncontrolled browsing. Diversity and Distributions. 22: 274–287.
Müller A, Dahm M, PK, Root-Bernstein M, Svenning J-C. 2017. Large herbivores in novel ecosystems - habitat selection by red deer (Cervus elaphus) in a former brown-coal mining area. PLoS ONE. 12: e0177431.
Shen X, Bourg NA, McShea WJ, Turner BL. 2016. Long-Term effects of white-tailed deer exclusion on the invasion of exotic plants: a case study in a mid-atlantic temperate forest. PLoS ONE. 11: e0151825.
Plant transect with entirely invasive plant species (English Ivy)
Plant transect with invasive plant species (English Ivy) and native plant species (Little Brown Jug and Christmas Fern)
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